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How to Move Your Photos and Videos from Google Photos to a Synology NAS

How to Move Your Photos and Videos from Google Photos to a Synology NAS
How to move your photos and video from Google Photos to a Synology NAS

Moving your photos and videos from Google Photos to a Synology NAS (Network Attached Storage) is a great way to have more control over your data, ensure privacy, and avoid cloud storage costs. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring a smooth transition of your precious memories.

Step 1: Prepare Your Synology NAS

Before starting the transfer process, make sure your Synology NAS is set up and connected to your network.

  1. Initial Setup: Follow the Synology setup wizard to initialize your NAS, create an admin account, and install the DiskStation Manager (DSM) software.
  2. Create a Shared Folder: In DSM, go to Control Panel > Shared Folder and create a new folder where you’ll store your photos and videos.
  3. Enable File Services: Ensure SMB, AFP, or NFS file services are enabled under Control Panel > File Services. This will allow your computer to connect to the NAS.

Step 2: Download Your Data from Google Photos

To transfer your data from Google Photos, you'll need to use Google Takeout, a service provided by Google to export your data.

  1. Go to Google Takeout: Visit Google Takeout.
  2. Select Data to Export: Deselect everything, then scroll down to find Google Photos. Select it and choose the specific albums you want to export or leave it to export all.
  3. Choose Export Format: Select the delivery method (e.g., add to Drive, send download link via email) and the file type and size (e.g., .zip, .tgz). It's usually best to select .zip and a file size that your system can handle comfortably.
  4. Create Export: Click on "Create Export". Google will compile your photos and videos, which may take some time depending on the amount of data.

Step 3: Download and Unzip the Exported Files

Once Google Takeout completes the export, you’ll receive an email with a link to download your data.

  1. Download Files: Click on the link provided in the email to download the exported files to your computer.
  2. Unzip Files: Extract the .zip files to a local folder on your computer. Ensure you have enough storage space to accommodate the extracted files.

Step 4: Transfer Files to Synology NAS

Now that you have your photos and videos downloaded and extracted, it’s time to transfer them to your Synology NAS.

  1. Connect to NAS: On your computer, connect to your Synology NAS using SMB, AFP, or NFS. On Windows, you can do this by opening File Explorer and entering the NAS’s IP address (e.g., \ On macOS, use Finder > Go > Connect to Server.
  2. Locate Shared Folder: Navigate to the shared folder you created earlier on your NAS.
  3. Transfer Files: Drag and drop the extracted folders from your local drive to the shared folder on your NAS. This process might take some time depending on the size of your data and network speed.

Step 5: Organize and Access Your Media

After transferring your files, you can organize and access your media on your Synology NAS.

  1. Use Synology Moments or Photo Station: Synology offers applications like Moments or Photo Station to help you manage and view your photos and videos. Install these applications from the Package Center in DSM.
  2. Index Media: Once installed, let the applications index your media. This might take some time but will allow you to easily browse and search your photos and videos.

Moving your photos and videos from Google Photos to a Synology NAS gives you greater control and privacy over your data. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and efficient transfer process. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having your precious memories safely stored and easily accessible on your own NAS.